Job seeking in an EU/EEA member state or Switzerland

If you receive unemployment benefits, you can go to another EU/EEA member state or Switzerland to look for a job granted you have the TE labor authority’s statement of approval. The opportunity to go to Britain for a job search has generally ended on 1.1.2021 because of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.

Before you leave

  • Remember to inform the labor authority that you are going to another EU/EEA member state to look for a job.
  • The labor authority will give the Fund a statement regarding your EU job search.
  • Ask the Fund for a U2 form preferably at least two weeks before your departure. Take the U2 form with you to the host country.
  • You must be an EU/EEA citizen, completely unemployed and your unemployment must have lasted for at least four weeks before your departure to be able to leave for a job search. The labor authority can agree upon a shorter time if necessary.

Earnings-related daily allowance during your EU job search

  • You can be a job seeker in an EU country with the right to earnings-related daily allowance for a maximum of three months. Exceptions such as illness or unforeseeable circumstances may lengthen the 3-month period, but daily allowance will not be paid for any longer than three months. Show the labor authority any necessary documents such as a medical certificate upon your return to Finland.
  • As a job seeker in an EU country, you will be paid earnings-related daily allowance as if you were in Finland as long as you meet the conditions to be granted daily allowance. You must send the Fund a follow-up application to be paid daily allowance.
  • Follow-up applications can be sent through the Fund’s E-service. Alternatively you can send your follow-up application to the Fund by mail.

While in your host country

  • To receive earnings-related daily allowance from the first day marked on your U2 form, you must register with the local labor authorities within seven days of your departure (including your date of departure). The last day to register is marked on your U2 form. If you register as a job seeker after the given deadline then your earnings-related daily allowance can be paid only from your registration date forward. If you have not yet received your U2 form, register as a job seeker with the local labor authorities anyway and submit your U2 form to them afterwards.
  • Present your U2 form to your host country’s authorities when you register. The host country’s authorities will inform the Fund of your registration date, based on which we can pay your earnings-related daily allowance.
  • If you work in your host country (including occasional work), inform both the local labor authorities and the Fund right away.

Returning to your home country

  • Register with the labor authority immediately upon your return to Finland.
  • If your EU job search lasts more than 3 months and you register late, you may lose your right to earnings-related daily allowance. You can receive earnings-related daily allowance again only after you have either worked or participated in training mandated by the labor authority for at least 4 weeks.