Applying for earnings-related daily allowance

  1. When you become unemployed, register as an unemployed job seeker with the TE Office through their E-service.
    • Register as an unemployed job seeker on your first day of unemployment at the very latest. We can only pay daily allowance for days that your status as a job seeker has been active.
  1. Send an application for earnings-related daily allowance through Erko’s eService.
    • You can send your application once you have been registered as a job seeker with the TE Office for 2 weeks. Include the attachments requested on the application form. Alternatively, you can send your application by mail.
  2. Wait for your decision and payment notification
    • If we need additional information from you, we will send you a request before giving our decision. Reply to the request as soon as possible. You can follow what applications we are currently processing here.


You can send your earnings-related daily allowance application even if you do not have all the attachments yet or if the TE Office’s statement is not ready yet. You can always send attachments afterwards. We will request any attachments we may need once your application is in processing. We may need for example:

  • A copy of your employment contract.
  • A copy of your notice of termination and possible mutual separation agreement.
  • A list of your weekly working hours and weekly earnings if your job has been part-time and your hours have varied.
  • A copy of your degree certificate and transcript of records that state the time you have been a full-time student, if you have studied right before your unemployment.
  • A copy of your latest confirmed tax decision concerning personal (not business) taxation if you are an entrepreneur or have agricultural or forestry operations.
  • A copy of your tax card if your tax card has been revised.
  • Copies of your pay slips if the information in the Incomes Register is not sufficient.

We primarily use the information available in the Incomes Register when processing applications. However, the sufficiency of the information available varies, because employers can choose to submit payment details using either extensive or limited payment information. In addition, employers can submit voluntary information. The more extensive the information submitted to the Incomes Register is, the more likely it is that we will not need separate pay slips. If the information in the Incomes Register is not sufficient to process your application, we will send you a request to submit your pay slips during the processing of your application.

Application time

Apply for earnings-related daily allowance within 3 months of the period you are applying for. Applications more than 3 months old will be considered late and they will be rejected.

Application period

You can apply for earnings-related daily allowance for the first time when you have been registered as an unemployed job seeker with the TE Office for at least 2 weeks. If your unemployment continues, apply for daily allowance with a follow-up application of either one month or 4 calendar weeks (Monday through Sunday). If you work part-time or have income from agricultural operations or other entrepreneurship, fill in your follow-up applications monthly. 

Your application period (4 calendar weeks or monthly) will stay the same even if you accept a full-time job that lasts at most 2 weeks or if you start an employment-promoting service agreed upon with the TE Office while unemployed.