Frequently asked about daily allowance

Register as an unemployed job seeker with the TE office online through their E-services on your first day of employment (at the very latest). Once you have registered, keep your job seeker status active by following the TE Office’s instructions.

After about 2 weeks of unemployment, you can apply for earnings-related daily allowance from the Unemployment Fund with an electronic form through the Fund’s E-service or by sending an  application form by mail or secure e-mail. Fill in the application with care beginning with your first day of unemployment and add the necessary attachments. You can send your application to the Fund even if you do not have all the necessary attachments yet. You can always send us the missing attachments afterward once you receive them. 

If your unemployment continues, apply for daily allowance with a follow-up application of either one month or 4 calendar weeks (Monday through Sunday). Apply for daily allowance retroactively on the last day of your application period at the earliest. Make sure you apply for daily allowance within 3 months of the period you are applying for. Applications that are more than 3 months old will be considered late and they will be rejected.

Send the Fund a pay certificate for at least 12 months that fulfill the employment requirement from directly before the situation mentioned above began. Notice that paid time off as well as parental leave and sick leave during which you have received full pay are taken into consideration as employment periods. If you need further instructions, you can contact the Fund and we will be happy to help.

To receive earnings-related daily allowance, you must be an unemployed job seeker with the TE Office, you must have been a member of an unemployment fund for at least 12 months before your unemployment and you must fulfill the 12-month employment requirement during your membership. Beginning 2.9.2024 the employment requirement is accumulated based on the wages you are paid during the calendar month:

  • A month during which you have been paid at least 930 euros wage income accumulates one employment requirement month.
  • A month during which you have been paid 465,00-929,99 euros wage income accumulates half an employment requirement month.

The employment requirement is accumulated from work done in an employment relationship at a job where the pay is based on a collective labor agreement and the statutory social insurance contributions, pension contributions, unemployment insurance contributions, and taxes are deducted. If the industry does not have a collective labor agreement, then the pay for a full-time employee must be at least 1 430 euros a month in 2025.

The accumulation of the necessary 12 employment requirement months is examined within a 28-month period prior to unemployment. The employment requirement does not need to be continuous, meaning it can consist of numerous jobs and there can be gaps between jobs. The 28-month long examination period can be lengthened for an acceptable reason (full-time studies, sick leave, parental leave, mandatory military service, etc.) for up to 7 years. The employment requirement must still be accumulated within your membership period. If you belong to an unemployment fund while studying, you can accumulate your employment requirement from work done alongside your studies.

The Fund will determine your eligibility for daily allowance while processing your daily allowance application. You can find further information regarding the employment requirement here.

The amount of your daily allowance is calculated based on your taxable income from at least 12 months before unemployment. Holiday bonuses and holiday compensation are subtracted from your taxable income. In addition, we deduct the equivalent of the annual rate of your employment pension contributions, unemployment insurance contributions, and the daily allowance portion of your health insurance contributions. In 2025 the deduction is 3,54 %.

The amount of your daily allowance is calculated during the processing of your daily allowance application. You can use the daily allowance calculator to get an estimate of your daily allowance.

The earned income used to calculate your daily allowance is not your most recent salary, rather it is a computational sum that has been calculated based on your income from at least 12 months before your unemployment. The income used to calculate your daily allowance does not take into consideration certain parts of your income such as holiday bonuses and holiday compensation or extra compensation paid related to the termination of your employment. In addition, we deduct the equivalent of the annual rate of your employment pension contributions, unemployment insurance contributions, and the daily allowance portion of your health insurance contributions from your income. In 2025 this deduction, called the Tel-deduction, is 3,54 %.

The income used to calculate your daily allowance is calculated by dividing your income after the Tel-deduction by the average number of weekdays within the 12-month period (12 months x 21,5 days = 258 days) from which your income was accumulated. This sum is then multiplied by 21,5 to get the monthly income used for the calculation of your daily allowance.

An example of how the monthly income used to calculate your daily allowance is calculated
The taxable income from 12 months (258 days) is 39 206 €. This sum includes 1436 € of holiday bonus and 620 € of holiday compensation.

The holiday bonus 1436 € and holiday compensation 620 € are subtracted from the total income 39 206 € leaving us with 37 150 €.
The Tel-deduction (3,76 % in 2024) is then calculated from this amount: 37 150 € / 100 * 3,76 = 1396,84 €, after which it is subtracted from the remaining income:
37 150 € – 1396,84 € = 35 753,16 €.

The amount left after the Tel-deduction 35 753,16 € is then divided by the average weekdays 258 during the accumulation period to get the daily income 138,58 € used for the daily allowance calculation. When the daily income used for the daily allowance calculation is multiplied by 21,5, we are left with the monthly income 2 979,43 € used to calculate your daily allowance.

When a tax card for wage income is used for the taxation of daily allowance, the withholding rate is always at least 25 % as instructed by the Finnish Tax Administration, despite the smaller withholding rate on the tax card.      

If you get a tax card for benefit income, send the tax card to the Unemployment Fund. After this, we can withhold the tax from the benefit using the withholding rate stated on the tax card without increasing it.

You can find more information on the taxation of benefits on the Finnish Tax Administration’s website.

If your illness lasts for only a short amount of time and is less than the waiting period (the day you fell ill and the next 9 days Mon-Sat) of Kela’s sickness allowance, then you can apply for earnings-related daily allowance from the Fund during your illness. Report the days you have been ill on your application. If your illness lasts longer than the waiting period, apply for sickness allowance from Kela. Sickness allowance is always the primary benefit during illness. If you have received earnings-related daily allowance from the Fund directly before falling ill, you may be entitled to earnings-related daily allowance during the waiting period for sickness allowance. Earnings-related daily allowance is not paid while you receive sickness allowance. 

If a longer sick leave is in question, please also inform the TE Office of your sick leave.

During the suspension period set by the TE Office, the Fund cannot simultaneously set the waiting period or pay earnings-related allowance. You can, however, apply for earnings-related daily allowance during the suspension period. In this case, the Fund will give you a negative decision based on the TE Office’s statement. If you would like to, you can appeal to have this decision changed. Notice that it is not possible to appeal against the statement from the TE Office directly, as you can only appeal against decisions that the Unemployment Fund has given. Instructions for appeals are included with every decision the Fund gives. 

You can apply for earnings-related daily allowance during your suspension period even if you are not dissatisfied with the suspension period set by the TE Office. This speeds up the processing of your first application after the suspension period because it means all of the information from before your suspension period is already in our system. If you did not apply for earnings-related daily allowance during your suspension period, inform the Fund of your employment situation during this period when you apply for daily allowance for the first time after your suspension period has ended. 

If you apply for daily allowance for the first time after your suspension period has ended, inform the Fund of your employment situation (employed/unemployed/ill, etc.) during your suspension period in the additional information field of the application form. If you have been employed during your suspension period, send the Fund a copy of your employment contract and pay slips. 

If you have received extra compensation from your employer related to the termination of your employment, the periodisation of the extra compensation and possible holiday compensation can be at the same time as your suspension period. You should apply for earnings-related daily allowance after 2 weeks of unemployment especially if you have received extra compensation related to the termination of your employment so that the Fund can give you a decision regarding how long the periodisation will last.

If the service you are starting is anything other than independent studies or labor market training (meaning you are participating in coaching, a work or study trial, or rehabilitative work), please report your participation days on your application. If there are days when the service is not organized, mark “unemployed” or describe your situation in your own words. If you have been absent from an employment-promoting service, report the absence on your application and inform the reason for your absence. 

If you have worked in addition to participating in the employment-promoting service, mark “employed”, and the daily hours worked on your application. Please also attach a copy of your employment contract (if you have not already done so) as well as a copy of your pay slip regarding wages paid during the application period.

The waiting period of seven weekdays is set when the 12-month employment requirement has been fulfilled and the maximum payment period for earnings-related daily allowance begins.

The waiting period is always related to fulfilling the employment requirement. If you have already received daily allowance after your waiting period and you have not yet fulfilled the employment requirement again, you will not be set a waiting period.

You can send the Fund attachments either through the eService or secure e-mail. Attachments can also be sent by mail, but we strongly recommend favoring our electronic features for sending attachments since they are the quickest and most secure.

We primarily use the information available to us in the Incomes Register. However, the sufficiency of the information in the Incomes Register varies because employers may choose how much or how little information they report. Employers may also choose to report voluntary information. The more information an employer reports, the less likely it is that we will need a pay slip from you. 

Sending your pay slips to the Fund along with your application can speed up the processing of your application. If the information in the Incomes Register is not sufficient, the Fund will ask that you send copies of your pay slips, which causes a delay in the processing of your application.

Register as an unemployed job seeker with the TE Office on your first day of unemployment at the very latest. If your 300/400-day maximum payment period has not yet reached its limit, you can continue to receive earnings-related daily allowance after your parental leave. In this case, continue to apply for daily allowance according to your previous application period. 

If you or your spouse have applied for or are receiving child home care allowance, fill in the form notification of child home care allowance (only in Finnish) and attach it to your application. If you have worked during your parental leave, please attach your employment contract to your application. If your job was part-time and your working hours varied, please also attach copies of your pay slips and a list of your weekly working hours. 

If you have been granted or if you have applied for social benefitsinform the Fund what benefits you have applied for on your application so the Fund can determine if the benefits affect your earnings-related daily allowance. Some social benefits prevent the payment of earnings-related daily allowance completely, some reduce how much daily allowance can be paid and some have no effect on the payment of daily allowance. If you have been paid too much daily allowance or you have been paid without just cause, the daily allowance will be recovered back to the Fund. 

For example, child home care allowance generally reduces the amount of daily allowance the applicant receives regardless of which parent is paid child home care allowance. However, child home care allowance paid to the applicant’s spouse does not reduce the amount of daily allowance paid to the applicant if the spouse takes care of the child full-time at home and is not eligible for earnings-related daily allowance for this reason. If the spouse is also unemployed and child home care allowance is paid to the spouse, the child home care allowance reduces only the amount of the spouse’s daily allowance. If you or your spouse have applied for or have been granted child home care allowance, send the form notification of child home care allowance (only in Finnish) to the Fund attached to your application for the first period during which you receive child home care allowance.  

General housing allowance does not affect your earnings-related daily allowance.

You do not need to send a separate application for additional allowance days as the Fund will determine your right to additional allowance days once your maximum payment period comes to an end.

The Fund can pay you earnings-related daily allowance even after your maximum payment period with so-called additional allowance days until the end of the calendar month during which you turn 65 years old. This is possible if you have worked at a job that accumulates your pension for at least 5 years within the last 20 years and

  • you were born in the years 1957-1960 and you have turned 61 years old before your maximum payment period ends.
  • you were in the years 1961-1962 and you have turned 62 years old before your maximum payment period ends.
  • you were born in 1963 and you have turned 63 years old before your maximum payment period ends.
  • you were born in 1964 and you have turned 64 years old before your maximum payment period ends.

People born in the year 1965 and after are not eligible for additional allowance days. The payment of additional allowance days will cease entirely in 2030 due to changes in legislation.

When you are planning to retire with an earnings-related pension, check what the lowest retirement age for your birth year is from your pension provider. Apply for pension beforehand, about one month before you would like your pension to begin. Check your pension provider’s website for further information about how and when to apply.

Once you have applied for old-age pension, continue to apply for earnings-related daily allowance from the Fund according to your normal application period up until the end of the month before your pension will begin. Inform the Fund of the first day you have applied for pension on your last earnings-related daily allowance application. Also inform the TE Office about your retirement.

After you have retired, you do not need to keep your membership with the Fund. Your membership will not be terminated automatically, rather you must inform the Fund in writing that you are ending your membership due to retirement. If you belong to a professional organization, please also inform them about your retirement and the termination of your membership with the Fund.

Please contact your pension provider for further information and instructions about applying for pension.

Applications are processed in the order they arrive and based on the application type.

Applicants that are applying for earnings-related allowance for the first time (first applications) and adjusted daily allowance applications are processed in the order they arrive at the Fund. The statutory time frame to begin processing these applications is 30 days from the date the application arrived at the Fund. Within this time, we will either give you a decision regarding your application or we will send you a request for additional information if we notice that we are missing relevant information while processing your application. The final processing time depends quite a lot on the number of incoming applications at any given time and if the necessary attachments are included with the application. You can follow the processing times for first applications and adjusted daily allowance applications from the box “currently processing” on our front page.

Once a decision regarding the amount of your personal earnings-related daily allowance has been given, applications from applicants that are entirely unemployed or laid off and that have no changes to report on their application are processed so that the applicant receives their daily allowance by Friday of the following week. In most cases, applications like these are automatically paid and the applicant receives their daily allowance 2 bank days after sending their electronic application.    

If changes have occurred during the application period (for example there are new payment details in the Incomes Register or the TE Office’s statement is missing) or the application is filled in inadequately or the application period is incorrect, the application is transferred for processing by hand. Applications are also processed by hand if there are working days during the application period or if it concerns part-time layoffs. In these cases, the processing time is not only dependent on how many applications have arrived, but also on how quickly the necessary additional information and corrections are sent to the Fund.

Applications are processed in the order they arrive and based on the application type.

Applicants applying for earnings-related daily allowance for the first time (first applications) and adjusted daily allowance applications begin processing in order of the date the application arrived at the Fund. The statutory time frame to begin processing for these applications is 30 days from the date the application arrived at the Fund. You can follow the current processing times on our front page. 

Follow-up applications for applicants that are entirely unemployed or laid off and that have no changes to report during their application period are processed so that the applicant receives their daily allowance by Friday of the following week. In most cases, applications like these are automatically paid and the applicant receives their daily allowance 2 bank days after sending their electronic application.

If changes have occurred during the application period or the application concerns a part-time layoff it will be transferred for processing by hand. In these cases, the processing time depends on the number of applications waiting to be processed in addition to how well the application has been filled in and if all the necessary attachments are included.