Membership application / Notification of changes Membership application Personal informationPersonal identify code*Name* First names Last Name Address* Street address Post code City Phone numberEmail address Education*Employer*Date the employment relationship began* DD dot MM dot YYYY MembershipUnemployment fund membership* I am joining the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko as a new member I am transferring my membership to the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko I am resigning from the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko Alternative joining dateNote! The joining date is recorded as the date the application is received. If you want a later joining date, please indicate it here. DD dot MM dot YYYY Previous unemployment fund / union*I authorize the Unemployment Fund for Specially Trained Individuals Erko, to terminate my membership with my previous unemployment fund. Yes Note! Possible union membership must be terminated by oneselfMy resignation takes effect* DD dot MM dot YYYY Note! You cannot withdraw from the fund retroactively.Attach to your application: a copy of your diploma or if you are still a student; a transcript of records a copy of your employment contract or other corresponding document or a copy of your pay slip from the moment you are joining the Fund Attached files* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB. Send attachments later I will send the attachments later The attachments must be sent to the Fund before the membership can be approved. Possible entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship I am not an entrepreneur as defined in the Unemployment Security Act I am an entrepreneur as defined in the Unemployment Security Act I work through an invoicing cooperative/invoicing service company I am considered a self-employed person as defined in the Unemployment Security Act as follows: I am insurance obligated according to the Entrepreneur's Pension Acts (YEL, MyEl) I work in a leading position in a corporation, of which I personally own 15% or together with my family members, we own at least 30% of the share capital or voting rights. I work in a corporation, of which I personally own or together with my family members, at least 50% of the share capital or voting rights. I work in another company or organization (e.g., cooperative) where I or my family have a corresponding level of control or influence. A leading position is considered to be the company's CEO, chairman of the board, and regular members of the board. Family members include the entrepreneur's spouse or partner living in the same household, children, and own parents.Entrepreneur's post-protection period I want to belong to the Unemployment Fund for Specially Trained Individuals, Erko, during the post-protection period (18 months). I do not want to be a member of the Unemployment Fund for Specially Trained Individuals, Erko, during the post-protection period. A member of the unemployment fund who has started full-time entrepreneurial activities can choose to remain a member of the unemployment fund during the so-called entrepreneur's post-protection period (18 months).NOTE! It is not possible to be a member of two or more unemployment funds simultaneously. Remember to inform Erko of any changes to your contact information! EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.